Monday, January 27, 2025

Thursday practice sessions

It has been great to see that our Thusday practice sessions have been popular with good attendance and lots of enjoyable table tennis going on. We will be hosting the Newbury Closed Tournament and there are 5 more practice sessions for you to hone your skills and get used to the venue conditions.

Since we hope and expect these sessions to be busy, please be considerate when booking slots at the practice sessions. Only book if you intend to attend. We understand that plans can change unexpectedly and if they do and you can no longer attend, please remove your booking as quickly as you can because other players might want to take the space. Unused spaces have an impact on our income which will ultimately affect all of us, but more importantly we want as many players as possible to be able to benefit from what we think is a good venue.

As always, suggestions for improvement and feedback are welcome. Thank you for your continued support.