Monday, March 03, 2025


We are fortunate to have the opportunity to expand the club’s activities. This does mean that there is now more equipment which needs moving, setting up, taking down and storing at each session. To do this in an efficient and equitable way, we must use a self-service approach. If you come to a practice session and find an additional table is needed, you need to arrange to set this up.  Similarly, when leaving and a table or other equipment is no longer needed for that session, please take it down and store it away.

Please note the points below. Most of this is common sense and courtesy, but if we all do our part it will make things go smoothly for everyone.

  • The club has invested substantial sums of money in table tennis equipment so that you have a high quality venue for matches and practice sessions. Please help us to look after the equipment, so that it stays that way. The more frequently we have to replace equipment, the more we will have to raise the fees; so it is in everyone’s best interest to take care of our equipment so we continue to enjoy excellent facilities at an economical price.
  • Please take care when moving, setting up and taking down any of the equipment to avoid injury or accidents. If you are not sure how the tables are set up or taken down, please ask.
  • Take special care when using the Sponeta table. It is heavy and tricky to move and set up. Unless you are experienced in doing this, please only use this table if there are two people available to move and set up/take down.
  • If you spot any damage, missing parts or a malfunction, please let Ian Wu know as soon as possible. This could prevent accidents or further damage.
  • As part of our contribution to the Jubilee Centre and to promote the sport, we make our two practice tables, two sets of posts/net and spare practice balls available to be used by other hall hirers. Therefore, please store the designated posts/nets back in the separate, labelled storage container. If possible, store the two practice tables in such a way that they can be retrieved without the need to move the other tables.
  • Put all equipment away neatly and back where it came from. Considerable work has gone into tidying up and organising things so that it makes using the equipment easy and efficient. e.g. keep pairs of net posts together with the matching net and stored neatly back in the right storage container.
  • Please use the dividing curtain very carefully and don’t rush. There are instructions posted. If the curtain gets jammed or damaged, it will put it out of action as specialist equipment is needed to access the rail. It could mean we can’t host home matches and possibly incur significant repair costs.